Now you can buy your very own AEGIS fire door clearance gauge from Dr. Door! Click on SHOP and add yours to the CART. Follow us on IG and watch for coupon codes.
Now you can buy your very own AEGIS fire door clearance gauge from Dr. Door! Click on SHOP and add yours to the CART. Follow us on IG and watch for coupon codes.
What does a fire door inspection include? Watch this short video to learn about the 13 criteria of a fire door inspection.
#FireDoorsSaveLives #AegisFireBarrierConsultants #firedoorsafetyweek
We at AEGIS are committed to the values of life safety protection. And when we find other like-minded companies, we won’t hesitate to let you know. Which is why we just couldn’t wait to share our excitement about LifeDoor!
We first found LifeDoor by stumbling upon a post shared on LinkedIn. Two guys with an unbelievably simple but revolutionary idea were looking for supporters to back them on KickStarter. Joel Sellinger, a career firefighter, had seen first hand the life-saving value of closing the bedroom door at night. Together with Ben Docksteader, an engineer and project manager with years of experience bringing new tech to market, the two have created an elegant solution to an inherently human dilemma. Most of us just don’t like to sleep with the bedroom door shut even when told it can save our life in the event of a fire.
So, what exactly does LifeDoor do? “LifeDoor is a new life-saving invention that keeps your family safe. In the event of a fire, a closed door slows the spread of flames and protects you from smoke and noxious fumes, buying you and your family time to escape to safety. No matter the reason for sleeping with a door open, whether it’s the kids, pets or personal preference, LifeDoor has got your family covered. Our patent pending technology listens for the distinct sound of a smoke detector so you can Sleep Safely.”
Q: Are my bedroom doors fire doors?
A: Likely not, however a closed bedroom door is a BARRIER that could save your life!
FIRE IS GETTING FASTER. “Because of synthetic materials, furniture and construction, fire spreads faster than ever.” -NIST Technical Note 1455-1 February 2008 Revision . You have approximately 3 minutes to flee to safety.“If you can’t get out of your house, the best thing you can possibly do is get a closed door between you and where the fire is.”–Steve Kerber, Director UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute
“About half of home fire deaths result from fires reported between 11 p.m and 7 a.m., when most people are asleep.”
LifeDoor listens for the sound of your smoke detectors. The smoke alarm triggers LifeDoor to close the door, light the room and sound a secondary alarm. Genius idea, right? With so much attention being put on the importance of sleeping with your bedroom door closed in case of a fire emergency, we are confident LifeDoor is a product that will soon become an industry standard.
Q: Shouldn’t my goal be to get out of the house if it’s on fire?
A: Yes! But if you or a loved one can’t, remember that “Fire is FAST, HOT, DARK & DEADLY!
LifeDoor. Because a closed door could save your life in the event of a fire!
-Karen Aliaga & Stephanie Smith | AEGIS
We offer fire safety services in Virginia and across the U.S.